Apps & Software

After working for various tech companies for over a decade, I decided to start building out some of my own ideas. So far, that includes Sparks, Trivia Poker & with more to come.

Music Playlists

I started making a monthly mix cd for my friends back in 2005. It has taken various forms since then, but you can now access the complete archive on this site for free.

Startup Strategy

While I like to consider myself a generalist when it comes to my professional career, if I had to call out one thing I really enjoy, I’d like to belie it’s at product strategy. If you’re a startup founder struggling to find PMF with your startup, I reserve time for one free consulting call per week.

Travel Tips

I’ve been lucky enough to visit over 60 countries in my life and live for over 7 years in what I consider to be the best cities in the US & EU, namely San Francisco & Amsterdam. I’m currently writing a unique travel guide about both that I hope to have ready for publication by the end of 2023. I’ll add a link to them here on my site when they’re ready.


Work History

July 2023 – Current

Director of Product Marketing & Channel Partnerships

Mindtrace AI

Mar 2021 – Aug 2022

Director EMEA Growth Strategy & Product Marketing


Mar 2017 – Aug 2020

Various Roles




EMBA, International Business

Rotterdam School of Business, Erasums University


B.S., International Business

Pepperdine University